Surgery 🤝 Artificial Intelligence

This is Ctrl-Alt-Operate, a weekly round up of today’s quick hits from tech/ML/AI that will influence surgeons of tomorrow, plus one deeper dive charting a way for us to get there. Let’s build the surgery of tomorrow, in 5 min or less each week.

What’s the point of this?

  1. Clinicians, have you ever felt that the technology vortex will inevitably change your practice, but don’t know how to be prepared?

  2. Engineers, ever wondered how we can operationalize any of AI/ML innovation for the good of physicians and patients?

  3. Maybe you’re looking for a community of like-minded surgery nerds to commiserate with about the inane use of pencil and paper rounding lists?

That’s us!

Who are you?

Dan is a pediatric neurosurgeon and faculty at Children’s National Hospital who runs a surgical data science research lab. Dhiraj is a graduating medical student entering neurosurgical training.

What do you do for fun?

We’ve published on how to turn surgical operative video into datasets built for machine learning, how to extract tangible metrics from surgical video for surgeon assessment, and more within the field of surgical data science. You can find our publications here. We are still looking for our first financial disclosures.

What should I expect?

Tweets, clinical + technical research, product reviews from the week, all in bite sized form, and a longer review at the end. Feedback always welcome (

Subscribe to Ctrl-Alt-Operate

A weekly round up of today’s quick hits from tech/ML/AI that will influence surgeons of tomorrow, plus one deeper dive charting a way for us to get there. Let's build the future of surgery.


neurosurgery || ai/ml || data science